15 Clinical Review Articles from our New Grad Bhumika Patel

Want to brush up on your clinical optometry knowledge and skills? These articles, written by our Chief of Clinical Case Reviews and new grad Bhumika Patel, are just the place to begin! Bhumika recently graduated from the University of Missouri and is currently practicing in both a medically orientated practice in Rock Hill, SC and in another retail practice in Charlotte, NC. We would like to thank Bhumika for all of her outstanding work and articles with us! Good luck out in the real world, and keep in touch!


Hypertensive Retinopathy vs. Interferon Associated Retinopathy

Retinoblastoma found in Pediatric Eye Exam

Annual Eye Exam Reveals a Macular Pathology

Clinical Case Review: Complete Vision Loss OD Following a “Stroke”


Review of Diabetic Studies

A Case of Diabetic Retinopathy

Vitreous Hemorrhage: “My vision went completely black”

Anterior Segment

Two Cases of Anterior Uveitis: Systemic Association or Idiopathic?

Clinical Case Review February 2013 – Bhumika Patel

A Case of Narrow Angles: Plateau Iris

Checking IOPs


6 Ways to Justify Add Power

I’ve Had a Constant Blur in My Right Eye for 6 Years

A Case of Fungal Infection!

5 Reasons to Attend the American Academy of Optometry Meeting in Seattle!

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