Author name: Blythe San Agustin

Hi everyone! My name is Blythe and I’m a non-traditional optometry student. I am in my 3rd year of a five year program at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry. Prior to optometry school, I was extremely active in my community. I worked at a private optometry practice for 4 years. I was President of my undergraduate college’s Pre-Optometry Professional Society. I volunteered with Special Olympics at their “Opening Eyes” event at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. And I presented at the Citrix Health Fair convention where I brought awareness to optometry. Alongside my community involvement, I performed research in visual perception under doctor supervision. My research helped document how the human eye perceives motion and furthered the advancement in the studies of the neural pathways associated with the ocular system. My passion for optometry has driven me to go beyond the exam room, and that has led me to! I am so excited to be able to share with all of you my work and to encourage, inspire, and inform those around me. Optometry is such an amazing field, and I hope to continue to bring awareness to it!

Welcome to Virtual Optometry School

The first semester of optometry school should be a memorable experience. You meet the friends you will have for life, receive your white coat (depending on your school), choose your optometric instruments, explore your passions, and much more. But with a global pandemic and state regulations, all of that has been canceled and moved online.

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