Author name: Peter Jacques

As the Editor-in-Chief, I find great joy in the ability to bring inspiration and open up collaboration to our team, our readers and all those interested in our field. I hope that my articles and involvement can spur a discussion about some of the most pertinent and pressing topics that impact optometry, and that they may inspire those in the field to take action and become involved in how we choose to shape our profession for the future.

5 things you can do today to advocate for optometry

We’ve all heard it before: “optometry is a legislated profession.” But what does that really mean? Put simply, if an optometrist wants to do something, there has to be a law that explicitly states that they can. If your experience in optometry school is anything like mine, you are constantly being reminded of the legislative

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How to help minimize your student loan debt in optometry school

There are not many topics that optometry students would care to discuss less than student loan debt. Aside from the few lucky ones who have a rich uncle to pick up their optometry school tab, student loans are a very real necessity of attending graduate school today and tuition rates are on the rise. But

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Paid Internship Available for First Years and New Grads at Essilor

After finishing your first year of optometry school or your last, many students and new doctors struggle with a very real world question: what will I do with my summer? Whether it be finding a job at a practice or waiting for the final pieces to come together for your license, many students and new grads find themselves

Paid Internship Available for First Years and New Grads at Essilor Read More »

Optometry iBooks: Rebates Available for AOA/AOSA Members

*For this weekend only (January 14-15, 2017), all iBooks are on sale for $15 or less! Let’s face it, we could all use a little help to get through optometry school. For core concepts like Biochemistry or Anatomy and Physiology, one can often find a wealth of information on the web. I was usually able

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I Got Married In Optometry School And Lived To Tell About It

  We all know this harsh truth about optometry school: life happens. If you haven’t experienced it yet, trust me, you will. Just because you got accepted into your school of choice, doesn’t mean the world stops turning around you. In fact, it seems that when you walk through the doors on the first day

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BREAKING NEWS: Optometry Students and Optometrists Target of Hack

A security hack involving optometrists and optometry students has resulted in false Amazon Chase credit card applications and other forms of identity theft. Students and practicing doctors of optometry from schools across the country spanning across several decades have been affected. It is currently unclear what the source of the hack is. So far, the American Optometric

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May Student in Focus: Jana Widell of SUNY Class of 2019

We all know that optometry school is a long and arduous journey, but starting this journey after a major career change can make it all the more challenging. After being pushed into taking over her parents’ optical store, Jana Widell shares her tale of defying her destiny to pursue her dream of becoming an actress, only

May Student in Focus: Jana Widell of SUNY Class of 2019 Read More »

OptomCAS for the 2015-2016 Application Cycle Opens Today!

Attention future class of 2020: OptomCAS, optometry’s universal application for all schools and colleges of optometry, opens today, July 1st 2015. No matter what school(s) you wish to apply to, you will need to apply through this application process. Remember that many schools have rolling admissions, which means that the sooner you apply, the better

OptomCAS for the 2015-2016 Application Cycle Opens Today! Read More »

I Got Accepted Into Optometry School, Now What?

First off, congratulations! This is a big achievement. You’ve made it through the roller coaster of studying for and taking the OAT, applying and the interview process. You’re well on your way to being an optometrist, and you are to be commended for your achievements thus far! So now what? Here are some things to

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