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Optometry School,, Study Resources / By

Amplify your optometry school experience and see what it means to get involved in our profession as the annual AOSA/AOA conference, Optometry’s Meeting, comes to the Music City, June 19-22, 2024. Optometry’s Meeting provides students a four-day, immersive experience in career development, clinical and practice management skill building, professional networking and advocacy alongside optometry’s leaders. […]

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Eyes on the Future Winter 2012

The “Eyes On The Future” (ETOF) is an quarterly AOA publication that has some really valuable information! Check out the most recent issue here As students we are pretty busy studying and busting our butts in clinic during 10 hour shifts but there is definitely certain topics of Optometry you shouldn’t neglect. So take a look at […]

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A List of Clinical Diagnosis Made By SUNY 2013 Class

By: Antonio Chirumbolo SUNY 2013 The class of 2013 has reached the midpoint of 3rd year (when this article was written). As we have spent more time treating patients on our own now, we certainly have begun to improve our skills and knowledge as clinicians. Spending time in primary care clinic, as well as various

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Interview with Optometrist Dr. Shipp; President of APHA

By: Jennifer Hue; SUNY Optometry 2013 Many optometrists are recognized for their roles in furthering our profession and health care in general, but few have also made an impact outside the sphere of optometry.  One such remarkable example is Dr. Melvin Shipp, O.D., Ph.D., current Dean of Ohio State University College of Optometry, and the

Interview with Optometrist Dr. Shipp; President of APHA Read More »

Roya Attarhousseini, March 2012 Student of the Month

Welcome to our newest website feature – “Optometry Student of the Month” This feature will highlight students on a monthly basis who go above and beyond for the profession of optometry. It’s time for those hard-working leaders to be recognized for their dedicated effort and achievements.We would like to introduce our first ever winner, Roya Attarhousseini.

Roya Attarhousseini, March 2012 Student of the Month Read More »

BRVO – A Case Review

By: Antonio Chirumbolo; Content Coordinator, SUNY 2013 Retinal vein occlusion is the second most prevalent retinal vascular disease, only second to diabetes. Branch Retinal vein occlusions are three to four times more prevalent than central retinal vein occlusions. There is a strong association of RVO with systemic disease and several risk factors include HTN,

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The Sunny Side of Optometry School (with video)

The Sunny Side of Optometry School By: Nik Pilecki (UW 3rd year optometry student) “Now I don’t want to mislead you.  Optometry school is the most fun I have ever had!  But there are numerous nights spent studying where I drink enough Redbull and coffee to kill a hippopotamus.” – Nik Pilecki Are you currently

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The State of the Optometric Profession 2012

This month, the President of the American Optometric Association, Dori Carlson, O.D. came out with a video addressing the “State of the Profession” which addresses optometry and all of those involved. I urge each and every individual to view this statement for it is essential that you understand what optometry is going through at this

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8 Apps To Recommend For Visually Impaired Patients

By: Stefania Paniccia IAUPR Class of 2013  The American Optometric Association defines visual impairment (or low vision) as a functional limitation of the eye(s) or visual system and can present as reduced visual acuity or contrast sensitivity, visual field loss, photophobia, diplopia, visual distortion, perceptual difficulties, or any combination of the aforementioned dysfunctions. According to

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The 2012-13 AOSA Executive Council

Just recently the American Optometric Student Association (AOSA) voted for members of its 2012-13 Executive Council; a group of four optometry students filling the positions of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. These students and their board of trustees help ensure you a smooth ride and easy transition on your path from pre-optometry student to graduate. As

The 2012-13 AOSA Executive Council Read More »

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