Ready, Set, Optometry’s Meeting®!

Calling all optometry students!

Optometry’s Meeting® is fast approaching and here is all the information you need to get there.

denver, optometry's meeting, 2021When and where?

Optometry’s Meeting® is in Denver, Colorado and is happening from June 24th-26th. The link to register and make hotel reservations can be found here: Optometry’s Meeting.

How can you offset the cost?:

The AOSA is graciously giving out a $200 travel grant to 50 students for being an AOSA influencer. This is on a first come, first-served basis and the information on how to apply as well as the requirements can be found here: AOSA Influencers.

The AOSA has also supplied a scavenger hunt list that the influencers can participate in. Not only will it help you connect during the meeting but there is a chance to win an Amazon gift card! Information on the scavenger hunt can be found here: Scavenger Hunt.

What is there for students to do at Optometry’s Meeting?

Optometry’s Meeting has plenty of activities and events to keep students busy for the length of the conference. Some highlighted events to look out for include:

optometry's meeting

  1. AOSA Optometry Student Bowl ™ XXX powered by Essilor: The optometry schools come together to battle and support each other for pristine bragging rights, all in good fun of course!
  2. AOA+ Pop-Up Sessions: Fast-paced, interactive and non-conventional courses that cover a wide-range of topics for students to be educated on.
  3. AOA+ Residency and State Affiliate Summit: This gives you the opportunity to connect with residency directors and affiliates from across the country and learn about their programs and job opportunities. Meet with two state affiliates and one residency director and receive a $5 Starbucks gift card!
  4. AOA+ T-shirt giveaway: Pick up your commemorative Optometry’s Meeting ® 2021 T-shirt.
  5. Lux Live!: -Student party: a way to connect with your future colleagues.
  6. AOA+ Leadership Link: A great way to network with doctor of optometry, all while enjoying a nice breakfast. Two sessions are offered but reservations are required. Register here: Leadership link
  7. AOA+ Leadership Society: A great way to enhance your resume along with building leadership skills and developing professional and personal relationships. Information on the requirements can be found here: AOA+ Leadership Society Requirements.
  8. Exhibition Hall: Definitely check out the Exhibition Hall and see all that optometry has to offer! Do not forget to connect and maybe collect some FREE goodies! The hall will be open Friday, June 25 from 8a.m.-5p.m., and Saturday, June 26 from 8a.m.-12p.m.

denver, optometry's meeting

I know from personal involvement that Optometry’s Meeting is an unforgettable experience where students can fully immerse themselves in all things optometry. It is a great way to meet professional in the field, as well as make life-long friendships with your future colleagues.