Optometry survival guide: What’s in my lab bag

  1. iPad/laptop
    • These will be used daily to take notes, do schoolwork, etc. It is also likely the way all your courses will be organized through an online platform and via email. It is important to have them charged every day ready for your courses!
  2. Snacks
    • It takes a lot of brain power to get through optometry school. Increase in brain function = increase in calories needed. I make sure to take a snack break every morning and every afternoon in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner!
  3. Caffeine
    • Similar to the snacks or candy, there will be long days ahead. Caffeine is often needed for the early morning clinic assignments or the late study nights throughout the four years. Maybe don’t jump to the energy drinks right off the bat, but a cup of coffee or a soda can do the trick!
  4. Good black pens
    • These are absolutely vital to labs and clinic assignments. Due to insurance/malpractice reasons, it is so important to make sure you have good quality black pens so you always use the same color when marking someone’s chart.
  5. Gum/mints
    • You will be up close and personal with your patients as well as your peers when practicing. When you’re in the slit lamp after lunch, it’s important to make sure everyone is comfortable!