
5 Tips To Follow When Networking as an Optometry Student

Making the right connections in school can set you up for amazing job opportunities. Even if you are a first or second year and up to your ears in schoolwork, you should still be out there at events like Optometry’s Meeting and AOA+, to help integrate yourself into the professional setting. But if you are

5 Tips To Follow When Networking as an Optometry Student Read More »

The Rotations Experience – SIR, YES, SIR June 6, 2014

The Rotations Experience Dear Diary, Fourth year clinical rotations are the pinnacle of optometry school that all students are anxious for. It’s a time of freedom, learning, and exposure to parts of optometry you may never see in the school clinic. Or is it? My name is Lawrence Yu, and I just started my clinical

The Rotations Experience – SIR, YES, SIR June 6, 2014 Read More »

6 Tips for First Year Optometry Students

  “If I knew then what I know now…” is a phrase I find myself using quite often when talking about my experiences in optometry school. As a fourth year student with 10 months left until I walk across the stage, my mind is wandering and thinking of what I would’ve, could’ve, and should’ve done

6 Tips for First Year Optometry Students Read More »

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